Textures - UV Mapping

To apply a texture to an object click and hold the right mouse button and look for the assign new material option and select lambert. then press ctrl + A to navigate to the attribute editor and click on the checkered box next to the colour tab then select a file and choose the folder where you saved the image that you want to use as the texture.

at which point the texture will probably look misshapen and all over the place so select the object and navigate to the windows tab at the top of maya and select UV editor which will bring up another window with a 2D image of the texture and depending on your object such as a box or crate there will be an upside down T made of six squares which represent the different faces of the box/crate.

Next minimize or move the UV editor window and navigate to the UV tab and select automatic which will then apply six projection planes to each face of the box/crate, then go back to the UV editor which will show you more or less the same image as before however the image should be somewhat resized and the outlines for the boxes faces will have moved.

The next step is to properly position the image over the relevant areas, if you have a seperate screen or resize the UV editor window so you can see the object inside and out of the editor and mouse over a particular face on the object the relevant face should also highlight in the UV editor window which is useful to for finding which white outline is the top or bottom face etc. After selecting a face right click on it and select shell this will allow you to drag an move that particular face in the UV editor.

Next right click and select edge and click the top edge of the square which will also show you which edge it is connected to. so with that selected another right mouse click go down to polygons and select move and sow UV edges which sticks them together, then on the square you dragged and moved click on the right edge and hit G on the keyboard which repeats the last command and you do that for the remaining edges until the square you originally moved is in the center and kind of looks like a plus and then with the top most box select its top edge and press G again and it will now look like an upside down cross, which if you are using a box texture like a crate will often be in a cross shape.

If the faces are not in the same direction right click and go to shell which will allow us to select the whole thing and go up to the rotation tool and click until the texture and the objects faces match directions, then press W on the keyboard and move it until you are roughly in the space you need to be. You may then need to press R on the keyboard and scale it up or down with the main focus being on the square in the middle as the other sides will pretty much follow it, hit W again and move it in a bit more and it should now be pretty close you may just need to rotate the object in the main window to be a specific way up.


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